Delineating catchment boundaries made easy

One of the central tenets of stream ecology—at least since Noel Hynes’ seminal lecture “The stream and its valley” (Hynes, 1975)—is that the catchment is a primary determinant of the structure and function of its stream. If a stream ecologist or a stream manager is to understand the behaviour of…

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No flooding here…

At the risk of sounding like a cracked record, I note that once again, summer urban flooding makes the newspaper, when not a drop of runoff has left our property during or after this afternoon’s intense downpour.  Our tank is now a bit over half-full, and the two raingardens remain close…

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A little rain, a lot of disturbance

In past posts about my rain-garden system, I’ve tended to focus on the water saving, food production and flood-mitigation benefits of systems like ours.  But my main motivation and interest has always been how such systems can make our local rivers and streams healthier. Today, with a (very) little rain I witnessed,…

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Straight to the pool room

Many thanks to Yarra City Council for their commendation of our raingarden, and for a great awards night at the Collingwood Town Hall. Awards went to some amazing, inspiring people;  I’m grateful there was room for recognition of our little idea.  Here’s hoping it’s another step towards broader adoption of new…

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