Avoiding rather than offsetting urban stream biodiversity losses

Biodiversity offsets are a popular policy tool to atone for the damage done by land development. Trouble is, they often don’t achieve their stated aims of ‘offsetting’ the development’s biodiversity losses with conservation gains elsewhere.  The problem is amplified if the animals and plants you are trying to protect live…

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Why we need to keep urban stormwater out of dry rivers

I was asked to give a talk to a meeting at Environmental Justice Australia’s community forum for Rivers of the West last night.  As usual, I banged on about the importance of stormwater retention and harvesting to protect rivers and streams, including in dry areas like the west of Melbourne. …

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How much baseflow should be flowing down any particular stream?

Matt Burns of the WERG has developed a new tool that has joined the urbanstreams.net family.  The Baseflow Estimator can help assess how much water should be flowing down any stream (or drain) across the Melbourne region.  Matt explains…  For undeveloped, unregulated catchments, very little rainfall becomes streamflow. For example…

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