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The Little Stringybark Creek Project has delivered a range of outcomes that go beyond the direct benefits to the catchment, including:
  • Testing and evaluating alternative approaches to community engagement (including market-based incentives) for funding stormwater management; these have been communicated widely both locally and internationally (e.g. Bos et al., 2009; Fletcher et al., 2011; Nemes et al., 2010)

  • Development and refining of WSUD techniques which are cheaper, easier to design and construct, and which are robust and low-maintenance, and which are suitable for protecting streams around Melbourne.

  • Re-evaluation of the costs and benefits of stormwater retention and harvesting at different scales, which is being fed into a number of Melbourne Water and related policy initiatives.

  • Development of a sister-project, the Dobsons Creek Project, which has similar objectives, but is being undertaken directly by Melbourne Water in partnership with South East Water and Knox City Council.

  • Data on the energy use efficiency and reliability of rainwater harvesting systems.

  • Multiple knowledge exchange and capacity building activities with the community, Yarra Ranges Council and industry (including Melbourne Water, Office of Living Victoria and EPA).

  • Development of new measures and objectives for the environmental benefit of stormwater retention; including:
    • development of the Environmental Benefit Calculator (EB calculator);
    • development of design and performance standards used in the development of the new Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines for Urban Stormwater; and
    • input into policy development by Yarra Ranges Council, Melbourne Water and the Office for Living Victoria.




Bos, D.,Walsh, C. J., Fletcher, T. D., Nemes, V., Rossrakesh, S. (2009). Restoring urban streams through the management of stormwater at the catchment scale. Proceedings of OzWater 09, Melbourne, Australian Water Association.

Fletcher, T. D., Walsh, C.J., Bos, D., Nemes, V., RossRakesh, S., Prosser, T., Hatt, B., Birch, R. (2011). "Restoration of stormwater retention capacity at the allotment-scale through a novel economic instrument." Water Science and Technology 64.2: 494-502.

Nemes, V., La Nauze, A., Walsh, C. J., Fletcher, T. D., Bos, D., RossRakesh, S., Plott, C., Stoneham, G. (2010). Saving a creek one bid at a time; a uniform price auction for stormwater retention in urban catchments. Australian Association of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AARES) National Conference. Adelaide, South Australia.