The desktop box that is is getting old. We are in the process of migrating the contents of this site to a more stable and secure location. The move has begun with our apps.
Because he who is last will be first, the most recent app is the first to move to the new server.

The Melbourne stream network app can now be found at This version corrects a few minor errors in the version, is much less prone to dropping out (although it still struggles with the biggest catchments), and most importantly, now allows you to select and display the streams and catchment upstream of any reach in the region.
The corrections that have been made to the network in the app will be incorporated into version 1.1 of the network, which will be released in the new year.
With a new year around the corner, I have resolved to break my blogging drought in 2020, and return to my raingarden diary. I have a year’s worth of developments to impart about the garden, but that is for another day.