I’ve added another entry to my raingarden diary today, primarily spurred by (an old picture of) the raingarden featuring on the front cover of the current issue of ReNew magazine. (I see that the issue includes an article by friend of urbanstreams.net, Peter Coombes, on the performance of the rainwater harvesting [and energy production] system on his house.)
In today’s raingarden diary entry:
- Our raingarden/tank system has been working extremely well this year: only 2 overflows to the street, 6 days of empty tank, zero days of empty raingardens, and lots of food production;
- We now have quails that keep us in eggs (partly) made from stormwater;
- The passionfruit vine (looking resplendent on the cover of ReNew) has been struggling in the raingarden (it’s getting on a bit, but we’ll see if it picks up over summer);
- We are in protracted warfare with a brush-tailed possum that insists on grazing on our grapevine, robbing us of shade.